Life doesn’t negotiate. It creates opportunities for our differences to grow together.

Life doesn't negotiate – we do. Negotiation is part of every aspect of our life…and yet we rarely reach perfect agreements. Inspired by Life was founded on the principle that negotiation does not require winning or losing, but joint solutions for mutual gain.

01. Situation


We talk past and against each other instead of with each other.

We look for faults in others instead of solutions for cooperation.

We blame each other for the past instead of shaping the future together.

02. Reflection

Successful negotiation means ...

... using dialogue to reach true agreements
... striving not for uniformity, but for mutual paths that are born from differences but ready to be walked in unity.
... reaching true unity, creating something greater for all of us with every step.

03. Getting to Yes

Fluent in negotiation:
Getting to Yes

The gold standard in negotiations.

Developed by Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton, Getting to Yes has been the benchmark in negotiation and mediation for more than 30 years. The combined wisdom contained in this book has been applied worldwide in high-stakes negotiations such as those that produced the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt, the peace deal between the FARC and government forces in Colombia, and the settlement of the multibillion-dollar commercial conflict between Carrefour and Abilio Diniz.

Israel–Egypt peace plan

For 15 years, Israel and Egypt had fought for the Sinai Peninsula. Only when they reached the very heart of the issue was a breakthrough achieved: Egypt wanted sovereignty and Israel wanted safety. In1978, Getting to Yes helped facilitate a peace plan between the two countries, making use of the single-text method.

The FARC in Colombia

For almost 50 years, Colombia was defined by brutal civil war. In 2016, William Ury and an international team of facilitators, including Cuba, achieved a peace deal between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrilla movement. The President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, received the Nobel Peace Prize for this work the same year.

Your next negotiation

Not every negotiation constitutes an international crisis. But every negotiation shapes the future of the people involved. Getting to Yes has been tested in some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable in order to find effective solutions to your specific problems.

04. Offer

My offer

Advice, facilitation, and active mediation.

As a consultant in crisis and negotiation management, I support organisations and individuals in tough, complex negotiations. I help dissolve hurdles, find common ground, and reach agreements that benefit everyone involved.

Clarifying walks.

Contending parties who can be convinced to take a walk together are but a single handshake away from real agreement. On a very literal walk, we will get to the heart of the issue at hand, evaluate pressure points, and find new avenues for change.


Together with William Ury, I travel the Middle East and discover its people, their history, and their dreams for the future. In my talk, I report on the Abraham Path, a route through the Middle East and into the heart of one of the most fraught and challenging conflicts of the contemporary world.

05. About

Oliver Pospisil in the Westbank (top). Photo © Leon McCarron.
„Oliver’s lecture on Getting to Yes is regularly rated by our students as excellent and rewarding. We are happy to continue our already long-term collaboration for years to come“
– Sabine Kruse, director Forum Democracy Dusseldorf
„Oliver is a true Possibilist.“
William Ury, co-author Getting to Yes and author Possible

Oliver Pospisil

A consultant in crisis and negotiation management, Oliver draws on over 10 years of experience in negotiation training and 20 years in managing international IT projects.

He learned the ins and outs of Getting to Yes from co-author William Ury, with whom he travels the Abraham Path. He regularly teaches its negotiation and mediation techniques at the Forum Democracy in Dusseldorf, as well as in a variety of medium-sized enterprises and public organisations.

Oliver lives and works in Dusseldorf. In his spare time, he is an ambassador for and board member of the Abraham Path Initiative and an avid hiker of trails throughout Europe, Southwest Asia (also known as the Middle East), and beyond.

06. Contact

So let’s talk!

The solution to every negotiation starts with listening. Let’s walk the path towards an agreement together.